If you’re looking for parental control content filtering on Linux, you will find few commercial application support, and plenty of outdated solutions (privoxy, dansguardian, E2Guardian, …). E2Guardian might be worth a try. But if you’re looking for a simple and easily solution, you can combine opendns with iptables to match the users you want content filtering on. All commands must be executed as root.
Identify the uid of the user you want to apply filtering rules on. In this case, I’ll use zia user.
id zia uid=1001(zia) gid=1001(zia) groupes=1001(zia)
In this case, we want to limit filtering to the user 1001.
Redirect the DNS traffic to OpenDNS
On recent Linux distributions with systemd like this Kubuntu 22.04, the resolv.conf is a symbolic link to a dynamically generated stub-resolv.conf. That’s fine like that, for all users. But since the user we want to use filtering on will use the same file, it’s important to check the nameserver directive there to double check the IP address :
root@lisa:~# file /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf: symbolic link to ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf root@lisa:~# grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf nameserver
The name server is, so that’s the one we will filter on in our iptables rules.
You can use the below 2 iptables and sysctl rules from a root console, or place them in /etc/rc.local for execution after each reboot.
root@lisa:~# cat /etc/rc.local #!/bin/bash sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1 iptables -A OUTPUT -t nat --dst -p udp --dport 53 -m owner --uid-owner 1001 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m addrtype --src-type LOCAL --dst-type UNICAST -m owner --uid-owner 1001 -j MASQUERADE exit 0
- Since I placed in /etc/rc.local, it’s important to finish with the exit 0 command.
- the first iptables will catch the DNS requests from the user with uid 1001 and send them to the first OpenDNS server on IP
- the second iptable rule is also important, since the source address must also be changed from to the external IP address of the workstation.
Configure OpenDNS account and filtering
You must create an account, and configure OpenDNS with filtering enabled when requests are comming from your public IP address. A free account is good enough for basic filtering.
Use ddclient to update your IP address
If you have a dynamic IP address, you also must configure the ddclient
to update your public IP address when it changes. There is an example on OpenDNS documentation
- First test from the user with filtering by accessing the url : https://welcome.opendns.com/
You should not have the oops, but just confirmation that you’re using the OpenDNS servers. - Then test on a banned website, depending on the settings you applied.
- Also test that the other users do not use OpenDNS, and are not filtered.