and useful one-liners
Check a port on a host every 5 seconds
while :; do echo -n `date +"[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"`; echo -n " "; nc -z 3389; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo OK; else echo Unreachable; fi; sleep 5; done;
Use a group you’ve just being added to (no re-login)
newgrp webdev
Start a command with some group id (and keep current privileges in your shell)
sg webdev -c "command"
Add this alias to your .profile to
take quick notes with date in the filename
alias vimn='f(){ vim `date +%Y%m%y-%H%M`_$1.txt; unset -f f; }; f'
generate gpg encrypted messages from the console
alias gpgb="echo '' | vipe | gpg -e --sign -a -r -r"
Debug Dockerfile and get dropped into a shell just before the last command failed
BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1 docker buildx debug --invoke /bin/bash build --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --progress=plain --load -t pivert/seashell:3.35 .
Delete Docker generated DNS redirection (useful when it breaks)
LINE=$(iptables -t nat -L DOCKER-INGRESS --line-numbers | grep -E 'DNAT.*udp dpt:domain' | awk '{print $1};') && [ ${#LINE} -gt 0 ] && echo "Docker DNS DNAT rule was found at line $LINE in DOCKER-INGRESS chain." && iptables -t nat -D DOCKER-INGRESS $LINE
List manually installed packages in Ubuntu/Kubuntu (2 ways)
comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)
grep 'Commandline: apt install ' /var/log/apt/history.log | awk '{print $4}' | xargs echo 'apt install -y'
Test your jinja2 code in iPython REPL
For instance before placing it into Ansible playbook. Here is an example with mapping short codes to values:
In [42]: from jinja2 import Template
In [43]: Template(
...: 'Host Group: {{ host_groups.get(ansible_hostname.split("-")[2], "Missing host_group in host_groups") }}'
...: ).render(
...: ansible_hostname="mynet-qa-es-003",
...: host_groups={
...: 'rtk': 'RethinkDB',
...: 'dbms': 'MySQL',
...: 'pg': 'PostgreSQL',
...: 'es': 'ElasticSearch',
...: }
...: )
Out[43]: 'Host Group: ElasticSearch'
sed for text processing
like grep but keep the first line (title line)
Grep can’t do that directly, but it’s quite easy with sed:
kubectl get pods -A | sed '1p; /blue/!d;'
- p command prints, the line 1 in this case
- d command deletes all the matches, but the selection is inverted with the !
Print from match to the end
sed -n '/^pattern/,$p'
Check your browser audio configuration with 5.1 speakers
Convert images to a certain size, and use progressive jpeg with resize (in the example 1200px wide)
convert original.jpg -resize 1200 -define jpeg:extent=90k -interlace plane smaller.jpg
Convert all JPEG in a folder to progressive JPEG (backup before)
mogrify -interlace plane *.jpg
Compress PDF
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=outfile.pdf infile.pdf
In case the quality would be too low, you can check with higher profiles such as -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress or /ebook. There’s a lot of options. Also check ps2pdf.
Randomly move mouse on X11
eval $(xdotool getdisplaygeometry --shell); while true; do xdotool mousemove $((RANDOM % WIDTH)) $((RANDOM % HEIGHT)) && sleep $((RANDOM % 300 + 120)); done;
Generate password from character list
- repeating a character will increase its probability
- Using Bash «Input Redirect»
< /dev/urandom tr -dc 'abcdefghjkmnopqrs?!...<>u?,vc ' |fold -w 14 |head -n 15
Easy CPU burn
for i in $(seq $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)); do yes > /dev/null & done
The to stop the CPU burn
killall yes
Get mouse middle-click in Citrix ICAclient
sed -ie 's/MouseSendsControlV.*/MouseSendsControlV=False/' $HOME/.ICAClient/wfclient.ini
Logout user remotely
loginctl terminate-user "your annoying friend username here"
Fill disk with Zeros
Useful for vm disk image dump. This command fills almost all disk with Zeros, keeping 100MB free, then delete the temp zero file.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/zero bs=100M count=$(( $(df -l -B 100M --output='avail' -t 'ext4' / | tail -n1) - 1)); rm /zero
If using ansible, you can use ad-hoc command, just pay attention to the quotes. Here for “myhosts” host group:
ansible myhosts -m shell -a 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/zero bs=100M count=$(( $(df -l -B 100M --output="avail" -t "ext4" / | tail -n1) - 1)); rm /zero'
Then double check
ansible mysthosts -m shell -a '[ ! -d /zero ] && echo "/zero temporary file has been properly removed" || "ERROR: /zero still exists - Remove it manually"'
Copy disk with nice UI
(pv -n /dev/sdX | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=128M conv=notrunc,noerror) 2>&1 | dialog --gauge "Running dd command (cloning), please wait..." 10 70 0
Kubernetes Namespace stuck on Terminating after delete
kubectl proxy &
export NAMESPACE=dynatrace # The namespace to delete
export CLUSTER=c-kvb2n # Get the cluster id from the URL when connecting via Rancher
kubectl get namespace $NAMESPACE -o json | jq '.spec = {"finalizers":[]}' > temp.json
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @temp.json$CLUSTER/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/finalize
Then remove the proxy: check with jobs
, set the job in foreground with fg
, then kill it with <CTRL>+C
Kubernetes: Ahmet aliases & jq
ksysgpoojson | jq '.items[]| "pod/\( runs \(.spec.containers|length) container(s): \(.spec.containers[].name)"'
An interesting example combining
- One of the 800 easy to remember
aliases from Ahmet Alp Balkan.ksysgpoojson
is an alias forkubectl --namespace=kube-system get pods -o=json
with String Interpolation andlength
to count.
Get list of IP ranges for an AWS region with jq
curl -s | \
jq -r '.prefixes[] |select(.region=="eu-central-1").ip_prefix' |sort -n
Get public IP address & many more from curl
Check the (with a web browser). Can provide details such as user-agent, tz, language… Just add .json if you prefer json output.
Free light geoip service (based on Google Maps)
Free command-line geoip service
"ip": "",
"city": "New York City",
"region": "New York",
"country": "US",
"loc": "40.7143,-74.0060",
"org": "AS22252 The City of New York",
"postal": "10004",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"readme": ""
Get certificate chain from the server
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect < /dev/null
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect < /dev/null | openssl x509 -dates -noout
Get server certificate dates
openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null | openssl x5
09 -noout -dates
Install root CA on Debian
sudo cp rootca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
Install root CA on Red-Hat
sudo cp rootca.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
sudo update-ca-trust